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Los Ejercitos del Cielo Hardcover | Pages: 448 pages
Rating: 3.88 | 220 Users | 29 Reviews

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Original Title: Armies of Heaven: The First Crusade and the Quest for Apocalypse ISBN13 9788493914387
Edition Language: Spanish

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En 1099 un andrajoso ejército cristiano arrebató Jerusalén a sus amos musulmanes. Aquel puñado de guerreros era todo lo que quedaba de los miles de europeos que, cuatro años antes, habían iniciado un extraordinario peregrinaje a Tierra Santa que conocemos con el nombre de Primera Cruzada. La obra cuenta esa enorme empresa bélica, plagada de visionarios que acudieron a Oriente con la convicción de que el fin de los tiempos estaba próximo y dispuestos a realizar el Apocalipsis en la tierra. Rubenstein nos ofrece un viaje a la Cruzada siguiendo el relato de ese Apocalipsis que los cruzados (parte de ellos) buscaron en la conquista de Jerusalén, que las primeras crónicas e historias del acontecimiento veladamente señalaron en los aproximadamente treinta años posteriores a la consecución de la expedición (y cuando ya sus frutos comenzaban a estar en peligro). Una guerra santa que se percibió entre los cruzados, los francos, de lucha contra un enemigo religioso que aún no había sido percibido como tal, y contra el cual las atrocidades de los asedios de Nicea, especialmente Antioquía, Maarat y Jerusalén, con decapitaciones con un enorme mensaje simbólico e incluso con conatos de episodios de canibalismo (en algún caso, realizado), formaban parte dentro de una construcción mental de los Últimos Días, como reveló el apóstol San Juan en el libro del Apocalipsis (Book of Revelation, en inglés) y que algunos de los predicadores (Pedro el Ermitaño, Pedro Bartolomé, "descubridor" de la Lanza Sagrada), algunos de los príncipes (Raimundo de Saint-Gilles entre los más destacados) y muchos de los peregrinos/soldados experimentaron y pusieron en práctica.

Identify About Books Los Ejercitos del Cielo

Title:Los Ejercitos del Cielo
Author:Jay Rubenstein
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 448 pages
Published:2012 by PASADO Y PRESENTE (first published November 1st 2011)
Categories:History. Nonfiction. Religion. Christianity. Historical. Medieval. Islam. Medieval History

Rating About Books Los Ejercitos del Cielo
Ratings: 3.88 From 220 Users | 29 Reviews

Crit About Books Los Ejercitos del Cielo
This is a very readable book on a subject that generally makes people bored. Jay Rubenstein does a first rate job in making the subject interesting and topical. I'd like to see a follow up on the Second Crusade.

Its amazing how much information is available about an event that took place over 900 years ago, in what I always thought of as the Dark Ages. The author had multiple sources of information available to him - who would have thought it?The other overarching impression was about the violence of the First Crusade. Obviously this was a war, and a holy one at that, so violence is a given. But I really had no idea that the crusaders would take over a city and kill every man, woman and child in it -

An accessible and interesting history of the First Crusade. Rubenstein seems to be coming from the modern "memory" camp of history. He is studying what people believed was happening more than trying to discover what actually did. While this can be useful, I think he overdoes it. At times he blurs the lines of myth and actual events, thus loosing some ability to critique the beliefs of the crusaders. He also gets a good bit of theology wrong, though not nearly as bad as some other historians.

Rubensteins book pays careful attention to the potential perspectives of the crusaders and the religious and spiritual beliefs that may have shaped their worlds. His prioritization of the natural miracles such as the earthquakes and comets feels particularly apt, as he considers the way that these signs might have been read by the historical actors as they constructed narratives about their own lives as they lived them. The more contentious miracles such as the discovery of the allegedly holy

Rubinstein's prologue prepares us for a story of an era of which the Crusade was one part. The Amazon description uses inflammatory language that Rubenstein actually cautions against giving full credence. In glancing back over the work, I have a renewed understanding of why some of it was rather disturbing from a "blood and guts" standpoint. But clearly valuable material for understanding that phase of history.

Jay Rubenstein presents a detailed account of the First Crusade in a highly readable way. How he was able to document daily events from 1097 AD and maintain the chronology is amazing. For anyone who wants a good understanding of the motives and the events of the First Crusade I doubt there could be better work to read. What could potentially be a laborious manuscript of dates and people and events comes to life as Jay adds a human touch to each of the main characters (and there are many of

Jay Rubenstein's Armies of heaven is an well written book about the first crusade; and historical aspects of the events of the crusades. The author tell us many and interesting details.The crusades were some of the most violent wars ever fought and Rubenstein starts with a short summary like events lead to the first crusade. The book is based on primary sources; Rubenstein described and shared a marvelous narrative about individuals and personalities involved to the events and his consequences.


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