Free Download Die Kinder Von Eden Books

Be Specific About Books As Die Kinder Von Eden

Original Title: The Hammer of Eden
ISBN: 3404145356 (ISBN13: 9783404145355)
Edition Language: German
Characters: Judy Madox
Setting: California,199(United States)
Literary Awards: Premio Bancarella (1999)
Free Download Die Kinder Von Eden  Books
Die Kinder Von Eden Paperback | Pages: 528 pages
Rating: 3.47 | 10771 Users | 490 Reviews

List Containing Books Die Kinder Von Eden

Title:Die Kinder Von Eden
Author:Ken Follett
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 528 pages
Published:November 2001 by Bastei Lübbe (first published 1993)
Categories:Fiction. Thriller. Mystery. Suspense

Explanation During Books Die Kinder Von Eden

Ein kleines, verschwiegenes Tal in Kalifornien. Hier lebt seit den sechziger Jahren eine Hippie-Kommune. Nun aber soll ihr Dorf einem Stausee weichen. Doch die "Kinder von Eden" wollen sich nicht aus ihrem Paradies vertreiben lassen und greifen in ihrer Not zu einem wahnwitzigen Plan: Sie drohen der Regierung, ein Erdbeben stattfinden zu lassen, das entsetzliche Folgen haben wird. Niemand nimmt ihre Ankündigung ernst. Nur die junge FBI-Agentin Judy Maddox , die bereits auf der Abschußliste ihrer Vorgesetzten steht, hat ihre Zweifel und versucht, die Katastrophe zu verhindern. Aber dann überschlagen sich die Ereignisse ... (

Rating Containing Books Die Kinder Von Eden
Ratings: 3.47 From 10771 Users | 490 Reviews

Appraise Containing Books Die Kinder Von Eden
It may be well written, but it's a shit story. Thank you for helping me avoid reading the whole thing.

He most certainly DID become a millionaire, Brian Tague. It is mentioned more than once in the first 51 pages that make up chapter 1. I couldn't tell

2 stars. There were aspects of this book I did like, the pacing was one of them. I was disappointed with the characters. What a bunch of dirt bags! I didn't like Priest, or Star, or Melanie, and I got increasingly frustrated every time he escaped the FBI. Priest was so out of the loop in technology, yet he outsmarted the FBI three times?! Come one! And he had been shot twice in one of those instances? The biggest issue I had was the sex scene between Priest and Melanie, and then Star came in

I haven't found a Ken Follet book that I don't enjoy. This one was no exception. This is about a group of aged hippies attempting to coerce the California government into halting the building of power plants. They intend to keep it peaceful and expect that the governor will cede to their demands and then they can go back to living their lives peacefully in their commune. Of course it doesn't turn out that way. The governor is non-responsive to their request. So, they up their game and make

A few wackos living in a commune in northern California figure out how to cause earthquakes and then use that knowledge to threaten California with more earthqueakes if more power plants are built. I enjoy Ken Follet's stories. He does a good job of setting out the characters of his books and then putting them in situations that are exciting.As I was reading this book I was thinking yes it is enjoyable story but not too believeable. Then I picked up the newspaper and read how the Swiss had

The FBI vs an earthquake-causing cult. Not a plot you encounter everyday but in Ken Follett' hands it becomes a fascinating battle of wits and wills. A peaceful cult has its mountainous home and vineyards threatened by a power plant. The psychopathic, manipulative cult leader decides to threaten and actually accomplish two earthquakes in an attempt to force the California governor to order an end to the building of all new power plots. His fanatic ruthlessness becomes increasingly obvious as the

A Flexible BorderlineSuppose youre living in a farm that provides you all the nourishment you need and that you even produce your own brand of wine mainly for selling and using the profits to buy other useful things also relevant for your well being.This sort of balanced, peaceful life, flows gently, like a slow motion movie, until the day of the explosive warning ⚠:Some guys decided to build a dam, and ... as a result... your farm and all its surroundings will be flooded. In practical terms


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