Free Download Books Ecstasy

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Original Title: エクスタシー ISBN13 9789734607297
Edition Language: Romanian URL
Free Download Books Ecstasy
Ecstasy Paperback | Pages: 328 pages
Rating: 3.42 | 570 Users | 14 Reviews

Relation In Pursuance Of Books Ecstasy

Ecstasy constituie prima parte dintr-o trilogie intitulata Monologuri despre placere, lasitate si moarte, care mai cuprinde Melancolia si Thanatos.

Personajul principal, Miyashita, este un tinar asistent intr-o echipa de filmare, aflat la New York pentru a turna o campanie de promovare a unui star pop japonez Aici intilneste un cersetor neobisnuit care ii da un numar de telefon din Tokio. Intrigat, Miyashita suna, iar la celalalt capat al firului se dovedeste a fi Keiko, o femeie misterioasa care nu accepta sa-l intilneasca decit cu conditia sa ia o pastila de ecstasy in compania unei „amice de incredere”. Acesta este doar primul pas pe un traseu ce il va duce spre experiente tot mai tari, culminind in sado-masochism extrem. Autorul acestui roman are propria viziune intelectualizata si estetizanta, care merge dincolo de senzational, scotind la lumina diferitele niveluri ce conduc spre distrugerea psihica si chiar fizica, dar si senzatia intoxicanta de libertate ce vine odata ce treci de zidul rusinii si iti ingadui sa te anulezi ca persoana. Iar Miyashita este prea hipnotizat de ceea ce i se reveleaza pentru a se putea opri.

Identify Containing Books Ecstasy

Author:Ryū Murakami
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 328 pages
Published:2008 by Polirom (first published January 1993)
Categories:Asian Literature. Japanese Literature. Cultural. Japan. Fiction. Contemporary

Rating Containing Books Ecstasy
Ratings: 3.42 From 570 Users | 14 Reviews

Judge Containing Books Ecstasy
Cred că uneori cuvintele sunt insuficiente. De exemplu iubire. Toată lumea folosește cuvântul acesta, chiar și cei care toată viața nu fac altceva decât să privească focul pentru arderea cărbunilor, să aibă grijă de uscarea scrumbiilor chiar și ei folosesc aceste cuvinte: Te iubesc. Ne-am spus și noi de-atâtea ori te iubesc, pentru că nu aveam la îndemână alte cuvinte.

Cu parti faine dar overall parca a fost Sandra Brown

This book is the first of the Murakami's trilogy called "Monologues about pleasure, lassitude and death". This one is my favourite, the one which gave me the strongest feelings! Through the narrator, we discover a strange trio, focused on SM relations. Because of the narrator's weakness -or humanity? who knows-, we dive, at our expense, into a 'foreign universe', dangerous, but which refuses to give our freedom back.I don't advise 'Ecstasy' -neither the two other books of the trilogy- to people

This book made me fall in love with Japanese literature.

Ryū Murakami (村上 龍) is a Japanese novelist and filmmaker. He is not related to Haruki Murakami or Takashi Murakami.Murakami's first work, the short novel Almost Transparent Blue, written while he was still a student, deals with promiscuity and drug use among disaffected Japanese youth. Critically acclaimed as a new style of literature, it won the newcomer's literature prize in 1976 despite some

I cant write a proper review because this book left me dumbstruck. What I can truly state is that Ryū Murakami is a really good writer and I wonder if he is into BDSM industry because I cant see the possibility to create such characters without being in the same state of mind. In case he isnt, it must have been his talent, if there is such thing. Favourite book so far.

hmm .very progressive,the story perfectlly fits in our times


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