Free المدينة الوحيدة: مغامرات في فن البقاء وحيدًا Books Online

Mention Appertaining To Books المدينة الوحيدة: مغامرات في فن البقاء وحيدًا

Title:المدينة الوحيدة: مغامرات في فن البقاء وحيدًا
Author:Olivia Laing
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:الطبعة الأولى
Pages:Pages: 288 pages
Published:September 27th 2017 by دار كلمات للنشر والتوزيع (first published March 1st 2016)
Categories:Nonfiction. Autobiography. Memoir. Art. Biography. Psychology. Writing. Essays
Free المدينة الوحيدة: مغامرات في فن البقاء وحيدًا  Books Online
المدينة الوحيدة: مغامرات في فن البقاء وحيدًا Paperback | Pages: 288 pages
Rating: 3.9 | 13382 Users | 1660 Reviews

Narrative To Books المدينة الوحيدة: مغامرات في فن البقاء وحيدًا

هنالك العديد من الأشياء التي لا يمكن للفن فعلها. لا يمكن للفن إحياء الموتى، لا يمكن للفن حل المشاكل بين الأصدقاء، أو حل مشكلة الاحتباس الحراري. ورغم هذا، فإن للفن بعض الوظائف الخارقة للعادة، قدرة غريبة للتفاوض بين البشر، خاصة بين أولئك الذين لم يسبق لهم الالتقاء من قبل والذين بإمكانهم أن يثروا ويكملوا حياة بعضهم البعض. وله أيضًا قدرة على خلق الألفة؛ لديه طريقة مميزة يشفي بها الجروح، وأفضل من هذا بإمكانه أن يوضح لنا أنه ليست كل الجروح بحاجة للشفاء وليست كل الندوب قبيحة.

أوليڤيا لاينغ، المرأة التي انتقلت إلى مدينة نيويورك لأنها كانت واقعة في الحب، وفجأة دون سابق إنذار، وبعد أن تركت موطنها في لندن، غيّر حبيبها رأيه ولم يعد يريد أن يعيش معها في نيويورك. وفي غياب الحب، وجدت نفسها تتمسك بيأس بالمدينة ذاتها: وقررت البقاء في نيويورك وحيدة لتبدأ رحلة الشفاء الطويلة. في هذه الرحلة تعرّفت أوليڤيا على أعمال أربعة من أهم فناني القرن العشرين، والذين تناولوا ثيمة الوحدة بشكّل مكثف في أعمالهم: إدوارد هوپر، آندي وارهول، هنري دارجر، وديڤيد وونناروڤيتش. لم يكونوا جميعًا سكانًا دائمين للمدينة الوحيدة، ولكنهم كانوا يعرفون الكثير عن المسافات بين البشر، ومعنى شعورنا بالوحدة حتى ونحن بين الجموع.

Present Books Conducive To المدينة الوحيدة: مغامرات في فن البقاء وحيدًا

Original Title: The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone ISBN13 9789996619311
Edition Language: Arabic
Literary Awards: National Book Critics Circle Award Nominee for Criticism (2016), Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Nonfiction (2016)

Rating Appertaining To Books المدينة الوحيدة: مغامرات في فن البقاء وحيدًا
Ratings: 3.9 From 13382 Users | 1660 Reviews

Weigh Up Appertaining To Books المدينة الوحيدة: مغامرات في فن البقاء وحيدًا
The subtitle of The Lonely City, 'Adventures in the Art of Being Alone', has a double meaning: as well as being a book about the experience of loneliness itself, this is a book about the role of loneliness in art. The starting point is Olivia Laing's own period of intense loneliness, living in New York after the end of a relationship, bringing to life the so-often-true cliche of being alone in a crowd, isolated and displaced in the centre of one of the world's most populous cities. She makes a

What does it feel like to be lonely? It feels like being hungry: like being hungry when everyone around you is readying for a feast.As a person who spends a fair amount of time by himself, I was drawn to the subject matter of this book. I would say that I'm very comfortable in my own company but there are periods of isolation that I don't always enjoy. God I'm making myself sound like a total recluse here! To be clear I am blessed with lots of terrific friends but as an introvert I always need

This was my first non-fiction book for a long time, and I was very curious both about the subject of loneliness, but also to see what was hidden behind the beautiful cover. Basically, Olivia Laing explores how it is to be lonely in a city surrounded by people. She has lived in New York City for a certain period of time herself, and during that time she felt extremely lonely. This non-fiction book isn't just about her personal experiences, though, because it also dives into other artists'

Powerful, relevant, timely and resonates with where our society finds itself, especially in urban communities. Great quote, "learning how to befriend yourself and understanding that many things that seem to affect us as individuals are in fact a result of larger forces of stigma and exclusion, which can and should be resisted. Loneliness is personal, and it is political. Loneliness is collective, it is a city." Another great aspect of this book was how the author not only weaved in contemporary

I will always be lonely.And this book just validated that feeling some us have had and still having and will continue to have, for the rest of our lives. While some may think that it is a weakness, artists mentioned in this book (which I never knew existed, thanks Olivia) used loneliness as their means of doing their artworks to its best. At the time that technology hasn't reached its peak yet, these people turned their pain into something beautifulart. Instead of looking for a way to dismiss

It took me some time to read this simply because I found it riveting, beautifully written, and I wanted to savour it. Olivia Laing is a British writer and critic who moved to New York to be with her American partner only to find the relationship disintegrating. She falls prey to a crippling loneliness which gives rise to this hybrid memoir and art history on the theme of loneliness; and how she finds an alleviation of her loneliness through the visual arts. Given her family history, she focuses

Sometimes a book will serendipitously meander into your life at the exact moment you need it, and that's exactly what happened with this one. Threading together art history, cultural analysis, and autobiography, Laing's book is a unique hybrid that documents artists and artwork that address loneliness and isolation through a prism of personal loneliness and isolation that she herself experienced while briefly living in New York City. The book became my companion during a period of personal


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